
Challenge Notes

Here, I’d be itemizing, in bullets, new concepts I come across as I traverse the course.

Day 1 : Javascript Drum

Day 2 : CSS + JS Clock

Day 3 : Playing With CSS Variables and JS

Day 4 : Array Cardio Day 1

Day 6 : AJAX Type Ahead

Day 7 : Array Cardio 2

Day 8 : Fun With HTML5 Canvas

Day 9 : 14 Must-Know Dev Tools Tricks

Day 10 : Hold Shift to Check Multiple Checkboxes

Day 11 : Custom HTML5 Video Player

Day 12 : Key Sequence detection (KONAMI Code)

Day 13 : Slide in on Scroll

Day 14 : Object and Arrays - Reference vs Copy

Day 15 : Localstorage and Event Delegation

Day 16 : CSS Text Shadow Mouse Move Effect

Day 17 : Sorting Band Names Without Articles

Day 18 : Tally String Times With Reduce


Day 19 : Unreal Webcam Fun

Day 20 : Native Speech Recognition

Day 21 : Geolocation-based Speedometer and Compass

Day 23 : Speech Synthesis

Day 24 : Sticky Nav

Day 25 : Event Capture, Propagation, Bubbling and Once

element.addEventListener('event', functionToRun, {
  capture: true,
  once: true

Day 26 : Stripe Follow-along Dropdown

Day 27 : Click and Drag to Scroll

Day 28: Video Speed Controller UI

Day 29: Countdown Clock

Day 30: Whack a Mole Game